There are some films which worth seeing at least for twice. Some films that affect our way of thinking and give us a better point of view. "Malcolm X" is surely one of those films.
You see, Malcolm X, a.k.a. Malcolm Little, a.k.a. "Red", a.k.a. El-Hajj Malik al-Shabazz (and in this film, Denzel Washington), was much more than a militant Muslim hell-bent on empowering the oppressed African-American society of the mid-20th century. He wasn't always like this, though. He was an intellectual and a father as well.
The movie begins in his youthful days in Boston as Malcolm Little "Red", he slicked his hair back like the popular style of the time, he was a party animal, he was on the wild side. You see him as a vain hustler who gets involved with gangs, drugs, rackets, burglary and white women. Finally he was hauled off to prison.
While in prison he became friends with Baines (Albert Hall) who made brainwashed with racism under the name of Islam and an organisation so called "Nation of Islam" headed by Elijah Muhammad (Al Freeman Jr.). So Malcolm begins studying and accepting it. He spent his time behind bars reading, learning, and gradually converting to Islam. Thinking that this religion tells him that white man is the devil, a black nation should be established, and it should be segregated from the malevolent whites.
As soon as he is released from jail he rises to power within Elijah Muhammad's Nation of Islam. In this role he lectures people and gains more publicity. When President Kennedy is shot dead he declares that "his chickens had come home to roost" and that he has no sympathy for him. Most of his ideas are misogynistic, racist, right-wing and inflammatory which he totally believes that these were all told in Islam. His eyes are so tied to see the real truth about neither the Elijah Muhammad's organisation nor the Islam.
At this point, he meets an avid supporter of the NOI, Betty (Angela Bassett). They marry and raise a family as Malcolm gains more power in the organization through organizing demonstrations against the police and "The Man" in general.
Malcolm decides to do what any good Muslim does at some point in his life and travels to Saudi Arabia for a pilgrimage to Mecca. There his eyes are opened, as he sees people of all colors and races united to give praise to Allah and meets the real Islam. Back in America, he starts to preach a more enlightened, more unified message of empowerment and faith. This ultimately rubs Elijah and his supporters the wrong way and sets the stage for Malcolm's final fate.
Spike Lee, in his first epic-scale directing effort, does a magnificent job in chronicling the charismatic leader's life, as well as displaying his influence on modern society. Denzel Washington embodies Malcolm X flawlessly, right down to his gestures and manner of speech.
If you're one of those who believes Malcolm X was nothing but a hateful troublemaker, you should see this film. You'll see how the real Malik Shabazz ultimately evolved, and regret his abrupt demise, thinking about what could have become of him had he lived on and spread his new message even further.
edited by Elvis_TRTags : Malcolm X, Denzel Washington, Muslim, Elijah Muhammad, Spike Lee